Playing Field

Weston Village Playing Field (Cheshire)

Aerial Photo of Weston Village Playing Field

Aerial View of Weston Village Playing field (October 2007)

We need new Trustees to continue the good work that has already taken place on the field. Anyone interested in becoming a Trustee or helping the Charity in any way should notify the Secretary

John Chambers


31 Millbeck Close




Weston Village Playing Field (Cheshire)

Registered Charity No. 1104448

The field in Mere Road has been a playing field for many years but in 2001 there was a threat to its continued existence when it was given to a developer for house building. A campaign was fought by local people and in 2004 the field was secured under an agreement with Fields In Trust (FIT). Whilst the land is held in perpetuity by FIT, it is leased to and managed at a local level by the Trustees of Weston Village Playing field which is a Charity set up solely for that purpose. The Trustees are responsible for maintaining the field and enhancing facilities through fund raising and grant funding.

Since gaining ownership of the land the Trustees have developed what was an empty field into a play area for the village and it is well used by people of all ages. It is the only play area in Weston and in 2010 they were looking to enhance the facilities for the older children as the existing play equipment was more suitable for the younger age groups.

Having canvassed opinions of the villagers, and most specifically, the children and teenagers who use the field, the trustees were asked to consider two specific projects:

1. An off road cycle track

2. Climbing frame for older children.

In 2011 the Trustees secured a Playbuilder Grant Scheme of £19,000 from Cheshire East, who were to manage the installation work. However, following Government cut backs, this was reduced to £11,700. Subsequently the off road cycle track materialised but the climbing frame had to be shelved.

Off Road Cycle Track

Using land at the bottom end of the field which is naturally undulating, the contractors used surplus soil which was already on site to accentuate the terrain and constructed a cycle track which is now used by children of all ages; but more specifically those aged between 8 and 15.

By constructing a series of mounds, bumps and humps this has created an exciting and challenging play area. The children’s use of the track area will develop as their confidence grows. Whilst the Trustees must be mindful of safety, they do wish to retain an element of challenge and have developed a track which will allow children to use the area in a dynamic, engaging and innovative way in terms of jumps and tricks.

The area has retained the existing grass surface, will be low maintenance and used solely natural materials. Furthermore, the track adjoins the existing wildflower area which will also be enhanced as part of this initiative.

John Chambers