
Website help and accessibility

The Weston and Crewe Green Online website is managed by Weston and Crewe Green Parish Council and is hosted on New Google Sites. We want it to be easy to use. 

There may be times when we don't get it right. This information may help.

Accessibility options

Many operating systems now include accessibility options that you can tailor to your needs on your own device. Options may include voiceover or talk back to read a screen to you, you can change screen colours or contrast, change text sizes and shortcut controls.

To find the accessibility options on your device:

·         Apple go to settings then general then accessibility

·         Android go to settings then accessibility

·         Windows go to your control panel

We do what we can to make sure anything on our web site helps these accessibility options to work smoothly.

Text size - making it bigger or smaller

New Google sites is optimised for use on mobile devices but this may not suit all people. You can alter the size of the text on your mobile phone or tablet by moving apart two fingers on the screen - or make it smaller by pinching your fingers together. You may need to go into the accessibility menu on your browser to tick the force enable zoom option if your device prevents zooming in. If you change the font size in your settings you won’t need to alter the size on each page.

If you're using a computer or laptop you can the change the font size in your browser settings or by using keyboard shortcuts 

·         CTRL + to zoom in

·         CTRL - to zoom out

·         CTRL 0 (zero) to reset to normal size

·         If you have a mouse scroll wheel, hold CTRL and scroll up to zoom in and scroll down to zoom out.

Translating from English language

You can use Google Translate to get a word for word translation of this site, for more details see our language translation page.

Images and alternative text

We use images to illustrate the content of a web page. Images have text descriptions known as their 'alt' tag. These text descriptions explain what you should see if the image doesn't appear on the screen.

Opening links in a new window

The links on our site are shown by underlined text and open in the same window. If you want a link to open in a new tab or window,

·         on a mobile or tablet

hold your finger on the link on a touch screen until a menu appears and then select the 'open in a new tab'

·         on a pc or laptop

put the cursor over the link and right click and then select the 'open in a new tab' or 'open in a new window' option 

or you can press and hold the shift button on your keyboard whilst clicking on the link you wish to open in a new window.

Viewing online documents

When we link to a file, which will normally be a PDF file, on the file will be opened in a viewer and you can then decide if you want to download the file.

PDF documents

Portable Document Format (PDF) files can be viewed by downloading and installing a free PDF reader.

·         Free Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software

·         Free Foxit Software PDF reader and PDF viewer

Accessible PDF

If you download a PDF and you find you need a more accessible version, contact us via our clerk and we will send you a simplified accessible version.

Navigating the website

Most people go directly to the page that their search engine decides bests answers their question. If you want to look for more information on our site we have other ways you can do this:


We have a search that will search for keywords through the pages on our site.

Menus - hierarchical structure

If you want to browse through the site you can use the side menus. The menus group similar content together and show the pages below the page you are viewing or pages at the same level in that subject area.

Third party applications

Some parts of our web site may be provided via third party applications. We make every effort to integrate these with our main site but it is not always possible. If you have any difficulties in accessing or using these applications please contact us.

Web site accessibility 

Weston and Crewe Green Parish Council is committed to making this website is accessible to the widest possible range of people, regardless of technology or ability. We are working to improve the accessibility and usability of our website.

The Government requires all public sector websites to meet the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)  Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0, (WCAG) to Level AA. These guidelines are based on good design practice and exist to ensure that no individual is excluded due to disability or choice of device or software.

We aim to achieve level AA and to comply with as many of the features of AAA as possible, but recognise that this is not always achievable for the entire website.

Accessibility Statement 

The Weston and Crewe Green website Accessibility statement