Neighbourhood Plan History
The Localism Act (PDF, 2.8MB) introduced new community rights, including the right to prepare a neighbourhood plan. A neighbourhood plan is prepared by the community and can influence development in our local area.
Neighbourhood plans have the same statutory weight as the Local Plan and must be prepared within a formal process. The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (PDF, 139KB) set out what needs to be done to prepare a plan; more information on this and neighbourhood planning in general can be found within the National Planning Practice Guidance and via these guides from Locality:
Neighbourhood Planning Support
How to create a neighbourhood plan
You can keep up to date with neighbourhood planning progress around the country via the Neighbourhood Planning Forum website.
Weston & Basford Neighbourhood Plan - January 2015
Weston & Basford Parish Council has appointed a steering group to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan for our Parish and a proposal has been submitted to Cheshire East to approve the Neighbourhood Area.
Cheshire East Public Notice Weston & Basford Area Notification
Weston & Basford Neighbourhood Plan Intro Leaflet
Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire - July 2015
The Neighbourhood Plan questionnaire is being posted through your door over the weekend of July 18/19 2015. This is your chance to have a say on future development in Weston & Basford. We need every household in the parish to complete this questionnaire in order to truly reflect the views of our community.
Neighbourhood Plan Drop In Sessions - May 2016
The Neighbourhood Plan questionnaire has been analysed and a series of drop in sessions are being held across the Parish.
Summary of Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire Analysis for Total Parish
Drop In Sessions Feedback Summary
Neighbourhood Plan Update & Housing Needs Survey - November 2016
The Neighbourhood Plan update and housing needs survey will be posted through your door commencing on the weekend of 19/ 20 November 2016.
View Update & Housing Needs Survey Covering Letter
Housing Needs Survey
This survey is important as it will provide information on your current dwelling and how you or your family's housing needs may change in the future. If you, or any member(s) of your household are thinking of moving or setting up a new home within the next 5 years, it’s important that you identify your needs in the questionnaire.
Please complete the survey, preferably online, by 11 December 2016.
The Survey is now closed - See below for the report
View Housing Needs Survey (paper version)
View Weston & Basford Housing Needs Survey Report - January 2017
Neighbourhood Plan Draft Polices
These are draft policies developed from the Neighbourhood Plan questionnaire responses and the subsequent walk in sessions which communicated the responses. They are in the process of being refined/agreed but the steering group would like residents to review and comment where appropriate. Any comments should be sent to the Parish Clerk by post or email by 31 December 2016. A hard copy can be requested from the Clerk.
View Neighbourhood Plan Draft Policies
Regulation 14 Consultation - December 2016
Notification of Formal Consultation on Weston & Basford Neighbourhood Plan (Regulation 14 Town and Country Planning, England, Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012)
The Weston & Basford Draft Neighbourhood Plan has been published for consultation. Statutory consultees and other interested parties have already been contacted by email.
If you consider yourself or your organisation to be an interested party and have not received an email please contact the parish clerk.
The consultation period runs for 6 weeks from 12-Dec-2016 to 23-Jan-2017.
The Draft Plan and supporting documents can be viewed or downloaded from the Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 14 Consultation page of this website:
Regulation 14 Consultation Page
Following this public consultation process the Plan will be reviewed and submitted to Cheshire East together with all the supporting documentation, including a Basic Conditions Statement and Consultation Statement setting out who has been consulted, how the consultation has been undertaken and how the representations have informed the Plan.
Cheshire East Council will then re-consult, before the plan is subjected to an Examination by an Independent Examiner. Once any further amendments have been made the plan will be subject to a local Referendum and then "Made" by Cheshire East Council and used to determine planning applications in Weston & Basford.
Cllr. John Cornell
Chairman, Weston & Basford Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group
Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 15 Submission - May 2017
The Weston & Basford Neighbourhood Plan has now been formally submitted to Cheshire East Council under Regulation 15 of the Town and Country Planning, England, Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012).
This effectively transfers the ownership of the Plan from the Parish Council to Cheshire East.
The Plan will now be publicised for further consultation for a period of 6 weeks, followed by an examination by an Independent Inspector.
Subject to the Plan being accepted as satisfactory and all of the relevant criteria complied with, we can hopefully expect a referendum later in the year.
Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 17 Examination - July 2017
The Weston & Basford Neighbourhood Plan was formally submitted to Cheshire East Council under Regulation 15 of the Town and Country Planning, England, Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012).
This effectively transfers the ownership of the Plan from the Parish Council to Cheshire East.
The Plan was publicised for further consultation for a period of 6 weeks between 09 May and 20 June 2017.
The Neighbourhood Plan is now being examined by an Independent Inspector.
Subject to the Plan being accepted as satisfactory and all of the relevant criteria complied with, we can hopefully expect a referendum later in the year.
Regulation 17 Examination page
Neighbourhood Plan Referendum - Thursday 16th November 2017
View Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Page
Great News for residents of Weston & Basford!!
This will form a part of the statutory planning process giving added support to the Local Plan for Cheshire East in the determining of planning applications within the parish
Details of the voting at last weeks referendum are shown below.
95% of those who voted supported the plan.
An extremely strong endorsement
John Cornell (Chairman Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group)
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meetings
View the Steering Group Meeting Minutes
It is important that you have your say in the Future of the Parish.
Press Cuttings
(Click on article for enlarged View)
Crewe Chronicle 10 June 2015
Alsager Chronicle 23 July 2015
Crewe Chronicle 29 July 2015
How can you find out more?
Keep an eye on this website, parish notice boards and leaflets or contact the Clerk to the Parish Council or one of the steering group.